Sunday, 29 January 2012

Techniques for internet censorship

Internet censorship is the control or suppression of the publishing of, or access to information on the Internet. It may be carried out by governments or by private organizations either at the behalf of government or on their own initiative. Individuals and organizations may engage in self-censorship on their own or due to intimidation and fear.

Opinions on the topic of Internet censorship vary, with arguments being made both for and against censorship. Moreover, the extent of Internet censorship varies on a country-to-country basis. While some countries have little Internet censorship, other countries go as far as to limit the access of information such as news and suppress discussion among citizens. Here in Asia we are told to practice internet censorship for a certain extinct due to the rules by government as they say its for public safety.

There are certain techniques used for internet censorship, these techniques are meant to display the message indirectly instead of surfacing the message in detail then to be in a big trouble. The common techniques used is pixelization where pictures are blurred with some alteration to the original picture. The second common technique used is audio editing to change the original voice but due to censorship the voice is altered with different type of voice, for example chipmunk tone,fast tone and slow tone. "Minced oath" is one of the common techniques as well for internet censorship, minced oath simply means to change the pronunciation of the original word but it would sound the same as the original work.

Reference :

Friday, 27 January 2012


     These days the internet is censored to some extent pretty much everywhere. There are several different reasons that the internet might be censored.

 The most controversial reason would be the political reason. Censorship in most countries is governed and ruled by politics. Sensitive issues about the politics and which is considered to be private and confidential by  them will be censored so it would not cause confusion among the public  and would not create bridge among the public . The censorship is usually to limit access to the sites of minority groups or that oppose what the government has told people.

 Apart from that censorship is also made to expurgate offensive and x rated content from the public.. Censorship is made due to immoral activity , offensive content, profanity language,  unpleasant video are put up on net. Such substances may tarnished public especially kids mind , influencing  them to indulge in uncivilized act  by implementing  act  which is against their cultural background and against their countries  law. Example, Some countries sites that are seen to promote homosexuality are often censored.

 Another reason censorship is made is for security reason. This is done to block sites that belong to terrorist group or extremist. Making sure that delicate issues are not made available to the public. 

Another vital reason would be self – censorship. Censorship is mainly done due to personal interest. We may not want to share information out to the public and also to protect family & self. Because revealing information that are sensitive may put us in hot soup.


Thursday, 26 January 2012

What is Internet Censorship?


Censorship comes from the root word known as 'censor'. Oxford dictionary defined censor as official who examines books, films, news, etc. that are about to be published and suppresses any parts that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security'. In other words, censorship is eliminating or changing a certain content which can be a threat to the society. The word censored is not new to many of us as we hear this word often. For example, in a movie scene whereby a scene has been censored or a certain dialogue was censored. What is internet censorship? Internet censorship is removing or replacing a certain information that is being published in the Internet to maintain its peace among societies.

Internet is a global network of vast information accessible with a computer. With the click of a mouse, an individual can have access of up to 100 million sites filled with educational and recreational information and linked with other related sites to create a spider-like web of topics known as the World Wide Web. Many use the internet for entertainment, business, education, games, social networking and many more but there are some that take this as an advantage to pollute the internet with various content that are obscene,vulgar or lies.

There are quite a number of content that are censored. Most common one is pornographic material. This pronographic material can be nude pictures, dirty  dialogues or text or even videos. The internet is being flooded with many pornographic material despite the tight censorship.

    Secondly, violent content. In Malaysia, this violent content is strictly prohibited from publishing. Violent content can be in a form of text, video or pictures. Violent content can be either brutal murder, bad accidents and much more. Some countries gives out the summary of the violent event without the full information.

    Next, profanity language or words are one of the content that are censored. Vulgar or indecent words from any person or a song lyrics in the internet are often removed, replaced or changed (***).

    Sensitive issues such as religions or cultures are censored. This is to respect the other religions. For example, in Malaysia, the word 'pig' is replaced by using 'swine'. This is to respect the Muslims as for them, it's 'haram'.

    Reference :